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Chii chandinofanira kuita kana paine dambudziko nekudzora kwemagetsi kwegirazi rekunyepedzera?
Nekuvandudzwa kwezvinodiwa zvevanhu kuti upenyu hwehupenyu, kuderera kwegirazi Kusiyana netsika yakajairwa yechinyakare, girazi rakangwara rinogona kudzora mwenje wayo nekuchinja simba romunda wemagetsi weiyo yemukati smart firimu, kuitira kuti uwane chinangwa chekugadzirisa chiedza chemukati. Nekudaro, mukushandiswa kwenguva refu, iyo Dimming PDLC Smart Glass Simba Controller inogona kuve nematambudziko, sekusashanda, kutadza kugadzirisa, mhando dzisina kunaka, nezvimwe. Panguva ino, isu tinofanirwa kutora matanho akakodzera ekugadzirisa kana kutsiva iyo simba rekutora. Pazasi, ini ndichatonga nzira yekuita nenyaya neyekudzora magetsi masimba ekudzora. Tisati tabata nematambudziko neanodzora simba, tinoda kunzwisisa kuti sei dambudziko richiitika. Muzviitiko zvakawanda, matambudziko neiyo PDLC Smart Glass Simba Controller inogona kuve nehutano kune zvinotevera zvinhu: 1. isina kukwana simba kuwanikwa: Kana iye anotonga achiwana zvisina kukwana simba, zvinogona kukonzera kutadza kushanda zvakajairika. 2. Rombo rakawoneka waya 3. Pfupi Dunhu reKudzora Rekutonga 4. Kukwegura kweanotonga: Uchishandisa iyo yekudzora girazi simba rekudzora kwenguva yakareba inogona kuitawo kuti zera uye kutadza kushanda zvakajairika. 5. Zvimwe zvikonzero: Pane zvimwe zvikonzero zvisingafungidziriki, zvakadai sejiter voltage, kubata kwenhema, nezvimwe, izvo zvinogona kukonzerawo matambudziko negirazi regirazi.
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    Chii chinonzi chiedza chinoputika chegirazi rePDLC yePDLC isina magetsi?
    Atomized PDLC yemafirimu egirazi chinhu chakakosha girazi zvinowanzoshandiswa mune zvimbuzi, makamuri emusangano, mahofisi uye dzimwe nzvimbo. Hunhu hwayo ndehwekuti zvinogona kuita kuti girazi atonge, nekudaro rinoparadzanisa uye kuwedzera kuvanzika kwekamuri. Tinowanzo fananidza attoms Sm , segirazi rakajairika, rine runyararo rwakanaka, kupisa, murazvo unodzoreredza uye humwe hunhu, hunoita kuti ive neyakajeka zviwanikwa munguva dzakawanda. Kutora Yakavanzika Smart PDLC Girazi nekuputika kwakatanhamara Girazi reAatomized iro rakazvimirira smart Electric Girazi rakagadzirwa nePDLC (Polymer rakaparadzira mvura crystal) tekinoroji, iyo inogona kushandiswa muminda yakawanda yakadai seyakaenzana, madziro ejira, uye mikova yekugezera. Iyo nheyo ndeyekuparadzira iyo crystal yemvura pakati pezvikamu zviviri zvegirazi uye iyo yekunhuhwirira kwePDLC tekinoroji. Kumusoro kwegirazi kunounganidzwa neiyo ito (indium tin oxide) inoitisa layer. Pasi pechiito cheLopage, iyo yekuita dura inogadzirisa iyo crystal yemvura kune imwe nyika. Kudzikisira kudzikisira, kuumba maitiro-akafanana neakajeka nyika; Kusiyana neizvozvo, kana simba radzimwa, vafambisi vechitendero vanoitwa vanonyangarika, uye mvura yekristaro iri mune yakasarudzika nyika, uye iyo yekuvhenekera ma angles akasiyana, kuitira kuti iyo smart firimu yegirazi inoratidzika foggy. Nekudaro, izvi hazvireve kuti hazvisi pachena kana zvisina purasite. Mukushaikwa kwemagetsi, pamusoro pegirazi remagetsi rinogona kuoneka mumatare emvura, asi kazhinji kuchave nemamwe mwenje kuburikidza nekuvaka yePDLC firimu regirazi. Izvi zvinokonzerwa nekugadzirwa kwemukati kwegirazi rechando uye hunhu hwegirazi iro.
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    Dimming Girazi Wiring nzira yekugovana
    Vatengi vazhinji vanosarudza kuderera kwegirazi, vachanetseka nezvekuiswa kwekushandiswa kweisina kujaira, kushandisa kwenguva refu kuchakuvadza uye zvimwe zvinetso. Nhasi, ndinoda kugoverana newe kuti wiring nzira dzePDLC dzakarambana girazi rekushandisa mushe. Ground Spring Door Kuisa Wiring Shuwa suo iri suo rinotsvedza, asiwo musuwo wakawanda. Inofamba zvakanyanya pa 90 ° kana 180 °. Iyo nzvimbo yekukweva inotsigirwa neiyo yepazasi axis, uye iyo yepamusoro axis yakamiswa. Mutsara wayo wekuisa zvakare wakareruka, wekutanga pane ese kubva padenga kuti usiye boka retsoka (zero waya) Ita zvekushongedza miganhu ichavanzika mutsara. Kuruboshwe uye Right Rudyi Dudziro Door Kuisa Wiring Rekuruboshwe uye chaiyo dudziro yekuvanzika musuwo zvakare ndiyo tsika yakawanda, kusanganisira yakarembera vhiri reshanyi, musuwo wemagetsi. Njere Dimming Disration Musuwo Wiring rakanyanya kuoma, musuwo mukuru kumativi ese ekufamba, unosanganisira iyo waya yekudhirowa inotya kukonzeresa kuputsa. Nzira yakajairika yambiro ndeye: Wedzera tank ketani inofamba waya waya. Tambo mune iyo tangi ketani uye fambisa sezvo iyo tank ketani inofamba. Izvi hazvingodzoreki chete kudhonza, asi zvakare kuderedza waya wire. Folding Door Kuisa Wiring Folding Door Line ndiyo inonyanya kuoma kufamba musuwo weSwitition, mutsara unobatanidzwa uchave wakawedzera kuoma, iwe unogona kuwedzera tube tube, gonhi mukuputika kwekuwedzera tube kunogona kuremara pamwe chete.
  • 10
    Girazi regirazi riri nyore kuputsa?
    Girazi rakangwara rakangwara harisi nyore kukuvara kana rakashandiswa nemazvo. Girazi reAatomized Dimming rinotora tekinoroji yese tekinoroji, zvinyorwa zvitsva zvemvura zvakabatanidzwa negirazi, firimu uye zvimwe zvinhu zvekutanga, kushandiswa kwedunhu uye kudzora tekinoroji yegirazi. PDLC girazi rinogona kuiswa kune dzakasiyana siyana dzenzvimbo dzenzvimbo dzenzvimbo. Girazi reSwitchable rinonziwo zvemagetsi zvinodzorwa magetsi abatanidzwa egirazi, iyo inoshandiswa kugadzirisa transcarency uye atomu yegirazi girazi nemagetsi. Anosimbisa girazi remagetsi rinodzorwa riri nyore kunzwisisa: Kana chigadzirwa chemagetsi chinodzorwa chakadzimwa, mamaira ekuremerwa zvemagetsi zvinodzorwa, zvichiita kuti zvisakwanise kupinza, kugadzira girazi remagetsi rinodzora riratidzike opaque. Zvichingoisa, girazi reSwitchable ishanduko inochinja pakati pejekerere uye opaque nyika nekushandisa voltage control control switch. Kunyangwe mutengo wemhando iyi yegirazi girazi rakakwirira, rinogona kuita basa kana uchinyatsoda. Mhedzisiro yacho inopfuura kufungidzira kwako. Girazi rinopiniki Dimming Girazi rudzi rutsva rwechinyakare photo yegrass Izvi zvinotevera kugadzirwa uye shandisa zvinodiwa zveetsika Smart PDLC girazi : 1.1 kuramba pakati pevhu kusangana kwegirazi girazi uye zvikamu kuti zvive pasi hazvingapfuuri1.1; 1.2 iyo pasi lagege yazvino yegirazi girazi haifanirwe kupfuura 0.25ma; 1.3 Atomized tsika Smart Girazi inofanirwa kukwanisa kutsungirira 120V AC, isingaperi masekondi pasina kuputswa; 1.4 Hupenyu hwebasa regirazi girazi harisi pasi pe5000h; 1.5 Girazi regirazi rinofanira kushanda kazhinji mu -10 ℃ ~ ℃ ~ ℃ ~ 60 × nharaunda.
  • 10
    Chii chinonzi mushandisi ruzivo rwefirimu rekunyepedzera?
    Zvakaitika mushandisi (UX) zvinotarisa pakunzwisisa kwakadzama kwevashandisi, zvavanoda, izvo zvavanokoshesa, kugona kwavo uye zvavanogumira. Uye ruzivo rwevashandisi rweiyo dimming smart firimu inoshandawo. Zvinoshanda Musiyano uripo pakati pehungwaru hunopedza simba girazi uye girazi rakajairika nderekuti rinogona kugadzirisa transpency. Iwo rudzi rwegirazi rakakosha rekuzvishongedza zvekushongedza, rinozivikanwawo semapepa ekudzora emagetsi ekudzora uye girazi remagetsi emagetsi. Zvinogona kutaurwa kuti shanduko mune imwechete yechiedza chegirazi yegirazi uye chigadzirwa chisingadzivisiki chekusimudzira kwegirazi munzira yehungwaru, zvemagetsi nehungwaru. Zvinoshandiswa Iyo Internet Internet yeSmart Tint Girazi ndeye: Mugadziriro yeiyo manyorerwo emamolecules mukati haina kujairika, iyo indekisi yemvura yakaderera pane iyo polymer kunze, uye chiitiko chechiitiko chakapararira mu polymer, iyo yakachena chena, iyo, opaque. Mushure mekusimudzira, iyo madonhwe emvura muVidhirowa Crymer Polymer Realmer kuumba nyika yakajeka. Zvinowanikwa Shenzhen Tianqixun Technology CO., Ltd. Ibasa rakaringana rebasa rinonyatsoziva mune dzakangwara dzekudzora mwenje mhinduro dzekutonga. Chikwata chedu chakaunganidza makore anopfuura endarama mumunda wesango control control control, zvivakwa zvekungwara, uye zvakachenjera zvekushandisa zvine hunyanzvi Masevhisi. Nehunyanzvi uye anotungamira technical Simba uye kutsvaga kweiyo yekupedzisira yemushandisi ruzivo, kambani yakanyanya kutevedzana zvigadzirwa zvekutonga zvakareruka indasitiri uye kufarirwa kwemusika. Kuvimbika 1. Mushure mekugamuchira chirevo, yedu mushure mekunge -SALES Service vashandi vanogadzirisa vashandi vehunyanzvi kugadzirisa dambudziko nekukurumidza. 2. Kana iri dambudziko rechigadzirwa rine hukama, uye pasi pewaradheni, isu tichapa magadzirirwo emahara kuti ave akachengeteka kushandisa; Kana chigadzirwa chinopfuura nguva yekuwaridza, tichapa pane-saiti sevhisi, chete kubhadharisa mari yekugadzirisa. 3.Kana kukuvadzwa kwechigadzirwa kunokonzerwa nekutyora kwekushandisa kwakachengeteka kana zuva nezuva rekuchengetedza mikana 4. Iwe unogona zvakare kubata nesu kuti ushandise chigadzirwa, kugadzirisa uye zvimwe zvine hukama neyebhusaiti yedu. Zvinofadza zvedu kuti iwe uite mazano anonzwisisika kana mhinduro pazvinhu zvedu. 5. Kuti uve nechokwadi chekushandisa kwako kwakachengeteka, isu tichatevera zvigadzirwa mushure-yekutengesa kushandiswa. Ndokumbirawo ubatsire uye suport yedu nzvimbo uye inobatsira zvinodzivirira kuvanzika kwenzvimbo yako. Zvinodikanwa Iyo smart yekunyepedzera girazi inoonekera uye yakajeka, iyo inosarudza mitsara yakaoma yenzvimbo yekuenzanisa. Kana yakanaka uye yakajeka, kana nyowani uye yechisikigo, kana yakapfava uye inopenya, inonyatsoratidza runako rwekunyorera kwayo. Kana girazi rekunyepedzera risina kugadziriswa, rinogona kufungidzirwa kubva kumashure kweiyo purojekiti uye chiedza cheAmberient chinogona kudzorwa panguva imwe chete, kuti girazi rikwanisa kuburitsa mufananidzo wakajeka. Yakasanganiswa neiyo infrared yekubata chimiro, inoumba yakakura-chiyero "piritsi remapiritsi" (Inogona kuitwa kusvika pamakumi matatu emamita muhukuru), kugadzira munda mutsva wekufungidzira. TQX Dimming firimu yakajeka uye inopenya, iri nyore kuchenesa, inogara ichishuva, yakanaka insation, inogona kuve iri kuuya, uye nzira yekugadzirisa inogona kugadzirwa kuti igadzikwe. Inowanikwa Iyo yakangwara yePDLC girazi inogona kuchinja mamiriro uye kushanda kwegirazi munzvimbo inongoitika maererano nenzvimbo dzakasiyana, moods, mabasa uye zvimwe zvinodiwa. Inogona kuchinja kujeka kwegirazi iri pakarepo, kunyatsoziva mhedzisiro ye 'mwenje unonditevera'. Mashiripiti ayo ndewekuti shanduko yenyika inogona kudzorwa nemushandisi ari paruoko. Ingo tinya switch kana kure kudzora kugadzira nzvimbo yakavanzika uye inodzivirira zvakavanzika zvekuvanzika kwenzvimbo yako. Kune nzira dzakasiyana-siyana dzekutonga dzakasarudzika dzeFirimu Smart V inobudirira 1. Kuvaka pakarepo uye kutonga kwenzvimbo yakavanzika. 2. Njodzi dzivirira kuchengetedza pachako. 3. Kuvandudza nyaradzo yenzvimbo. 4. Zvimwe zvinoshandiswa naEficient kushandiswa kwenzvimbo yekuvaka. 5. Yakanaka uye inobata maziso. 6. Sevha simba, kuderedza mweya mamiriro. 7. Simba rakaderera rinodya. 8. Bhuroka 99% yeUtraviolet mwenje uye 98% ye infrared marangi kuti vadzivirire hutano hwevanhu. 9. Yakakwirira mhando projection mufananidzo. 10. Yakanakisa mhinduro. 11. Makore ekutsvaga nekuvandudza ruzivo, tekinoroji yakavimbika. 12. Professional Pre- kutengesa uye mushure-yekutengesa basa, makore maviri waranti.
What kind of electricity does the electrified dimming smart glass need to pass through?
What kind of electricity does the electrified dimming smart glass need to pass through? Privacy dimming glass is a new type of special photoelectric glass, also called electrooptic glass, electrified dimmable glass, electrified transparent glass, electronically controlled atomized glass, intelligent electronically controlled glass, etc. As the name suggests, it is a glass that uses electricity to control transparent and opaque states. So what kind of electricity does dimming glass use? After more than ten years of development in China, the application of switchable privacy glass has been very mature. In the process of development, it has been continuously upgraded. In addition, different manufacturers have different directions for the development of liquid crystal switchable films, so that different types of glass have appeared on the market in different periods. Dimmable glass. Although the appearance of smart tint glass is the same, the internal structure is not the same. In terms of working voltage, the common ones are 70V, 65V, 60V, and the rare ones are 48V, 36V, 24V, etc. This also shows that the use of different dimming glasses requires corresponding power transformers. You may be wondering, the voltage used by general dimming glass is about 65V. Why is that? This is mainly related to the physical properties of polymer liquid crystal molecules in the smart film. After testing by experts, it is found that the liquid crystal molecules are relatively stable when driven by a voltage of about 65V, which can not only achieve a good light transmission effect, but also avoid ignition and burnout. So is there any dimming glass that uses 220V AC or 12V DC? The answer is no. The civilian electricity in our country is 220V alternating current, which is called high voltage (220V-240V) internationally, and such a large voltage is unsafe. The 12V vehicle-mounted DC power also needs an inverter to convert it into the AC power required by the smart pdlc glass before it can be used. There is also low-voltage (100V-130V) civilian electricity in the world, which is used by the United States, Canada, Thailand and other countries, and is relatively safe. However, there are still dimming glasses that use 100V voltage. For example, a Japanese company has developed frosted pdlc glass that does not require transformer conversion for the Japanese market. The civilian voltage of each country or region may be different, so the dimming glass for export needs to be equipped with different transformers. For example, Hong Kong and Macao are 220V, which is no different from the mainland, while Taiwan is 110V. It is important to note that several different voltages are used in the same country (such as Russia), so find out before buying.  
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    What are the actual functions of dimming smart glass?
    What are the actual functions of dimming smart glass? There is a relatively high-end product in the glass market, called dimming glass. Although it is not widely used by people, the high-tech application of this kind of glass must be superior to all glass products. Today, the main brief introduction is the operating principle of this kind of privacy dimming glass. First of all, from the point of view of light perception control methods of dimming glass, there are actually many types, and the effect of adjusting the brightness of glass can be achieved through the control of voltage, light pressure and other pressures. But at present, in China's smart pdlc glass market, voltage dimming glass is the most produced. The control method of this type of smart tint glass is relatively simple. It can be mass-produced in domestic factories and has a wide range of applications on the market. Therefore, we need to understand the working principle of the voltage-type dimming glass. When the control switch of the voltage-type dimming glass is turned off, the negative ions on the glass will become dispersed, and it is difficult for external light to penetrate indoors. into an opaque state. When the glass switch is turned on, the liquid crystal molecules on the glass cannot play their role, and the whole glass will be in a transparent state. At this time, glass is ordinary glass and no longer has the basic performance of smart film for glass. Simply put, switchable privacy glass is a flexible switch between transparent and opaque states by using a voltage control switch. Although the price of this type of switchable glass is relatively high, it can play a role if you really need it. The role must be beyond your imagination.
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    What are the types and functions of dimming smart glass?
    What are the types and functions of dimming smart glass? With the continuous development of society and the continuous improvement of people's living standards, switchable glass, a new high-tech product, has also appeared in people's eyes. This article introduces different types of smart pdlc glass and their functions. 1. Color switchable glass Apart from ordinary dimming glass, the first thing we think of is definitely colored privacy dimming glass. As the name suggests, colored dimming glass is a special process that changes the dimming glass from the original white to a variety of colors. And it still has the characteristics of dimming glass. 2. Fireproof dimming glass Fireproof smart tint glass is a kind of safety glass that combines the properties of fireproof glass and dimming glass. Its fire protection performance varies according to the properties of the fire protection substrate used. The commonly used fireproof glass is 90 minutes fireproof glass. Fireproof dimming glass is suitable for various partitions with fireproof requirements. It should be noted that all fireproof dimming glass must have an independent frame (that is, all four sides have frames) in practical application. If not, it cannot pass the fire inspection. 3. One way perspective switchable privacy glass One-way perspective switchable glass is a kind of applied glass that combines one-way perspective glass and dimming glass with G-level. Its performance can not only meet the effect of one-way perspective glass, but also have the atomization effect of dimming glass. However, it is worth mentioning that the combination of excellent one-way glass and smart film for glass must be selected to achieve the most suitable effect. For example, if it is installed in a villa: when the dimming glass is turned on during the day, the outside can not see the inside, but the inside can observe the outside. At night, the dimming glass is closed, and neither indoors nor outdoors can be seen through. 4. Dimmable glass film Dimming glass film is a new form of dimming glass in recent years. The method is to directly attach a layer of liquid crystal film to the surface of the original glass, but it requires high technical personnel. Its advantages are low cost and easy construction. However, its stability and security are reduced to a certain extent. Film-attached frosted pdlc glass still needs to be tested on the market.
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    What are the advantages of smart film over traditional glass film?
    What are the advantages of smart film over traditional glass film?   Compared to the traditional glass film, the pdlc smart film has the following advantages: 1. Adjust dimming characteristics: AQA liquid crystal film is electronically controlled to switch between light-transmitting and opaque states. 2. Heat insulation and sunshade: AQA liquid crystal film uses a combination of two rare earth metal film layers and a liquid crystal layer layer. On the basis of the principle similar to the traditional automobile heat insulation film (metal layer sieving), the main body relies on liquid particles of liquid crystal (a liquid sphere with a radius of one-thousandth of a millimeter) the 360° reflection acts as the workhorse of the insulation. The solar thermal insulation coefficient is as low as 0.4, and the heat gain is less than 28%. In the hot summer, compared with the traditional heat insulation film, the leather surface of the car seat can be lowered by about 20°C. Due to the presence of liquid droplets, our research found that what is more commendable is that the membrane can better avoid heat leakage in winter, and it can reflect more comprehensively whether it is waves, particles, or radiation.   3. Safety: It can completely replace the explosion-proof film and make the car glass more difficult to damage. Even if the glass is broken, the whole piece will not shatter and fall off.   4. Intelligent control: quick response, whether from open to close or close to open, will not exceed 0.02 seconds, more intelligent and convenient.   5. Privacy protection: AQA Self-adhesive PDLC film mainly uses special materials and its intelligent control system, which can control the transparency of the glass at any time during use, so it has a very good privacy protection function.   6. Energy saving and environmental protection: due to the excellent heat insulation and resistance to ultraviolet and infrared rays, the utilization rate of air conditioners in cars or buildings can be greatly reduced, and at the same time, the reflection of ultraviolet rays can prevent the aging of car interiors and building interior items. These characteristics endow it with the function of energy saving and environmental protection.   7. Sound insulation: After our experiments, we found that the Switch Glass film also has the function of blocking noise, effectively blocking all kinds of noise up to 38 decibels! 8. Projection: Due to the high utilization rate of light energy due to the characteristics of liquid crystal, the projection effect is very good, far exceeding the ordinary projection screen!
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    How to prevent the smart film from being broken when handling and moving the film?
    How to prevent the smart film from being broken when handling and moving the film?  5 Precautions to avoid liquid crystal pdlc film being broken Dimming smart film is the core material for the production of dimming smart glass. It is a multilayer and composite structure film. The dimming film can also be made into a self-adhesive type, directly pasted on the glass, turning ordinary glass into pdlc glass smart film. The dimming film is very fragile. Although the outer layer is protected by a protective film, it can only prevent some small scratches. In the process of packaging, handling, construction, etc., if the operation is not done properly, it is easy to break the film. So in what situations is it easy to break the membrane? Pay particular attention to the following 5 common situations. 1. When rolling the pdlc smart film, the core diameter should be controlled in the range of 15-20cm. If the core is too small, it will be pressed against the film. If it is too big, it will easily slip in the middle. (If the core wire is too small, it will be pressed against the film; if the core wire is too large, it will easily slip off) 2. Hands should be light during film retractions and unwinding. Hold the film and slowly retract it without pressing. (During rewind and rewind operations, keep your hands light, hold the magic glass film and rewind slowly without pressing.) 3. It is strictly forbidden for two people to lift the unopened membrane, otherwise the membrane will easily break due to uneven force. 4. Try not to put other irrelevant tools on the operating table of the membrane, otherwise it is easy to scratch the edge of the membrane. 5. In the process of handling and moving the membrane, pay attention to the surrounding environment to prevent damage to the membrane. The above is the relevant knowledge summarized by dimming glass manufacturers, and I hope it can help everyone.

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Semimwe misika mikuru yegirazi iri pasi, mafirimu ePdc anoshandiswa zvakanyanya muChina, kunyanya muzvivakwa zvehofisi, mahotera, mahotera, zvipatara, zvipatara, uye zvikoro.

Hofisi Yakavanzika Imba

Kuvaka Curtain Wall

Chikamu cheWindows Window

Smart Home Kudzora

Window inoratidza kabati


  • Dema yemotokari Sunroof PDLC SMALM FILLE yegirazi
  • 3d photonic girazi chetin curtain Wall kuratidza
  • Kuvanzika chinyararire pod dimming girazi fireproof smart girazi
  • Electrochromic girazi simba kuchengetedza girazi rekushongedza girazi
  • Imba yekushongedza hwindo repafirimu rekodhi yegirazi PDLC firimu
Window yekushambadzira yakarukwa yakadhindwa fimming firimu yekushongedza
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Vhara Noisy bofu Girazi Dimming Descration firimu
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Isu tichaonana newe zvinosemesa

Zadza rumwe ruzivo kuti ugone kuwirirana newe nekukurumidza

Chirevo chekuvanzika: Kuvanzika kwako kwakakosha kwazvo kwatiri
